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News from The Rock June, 2019

  News from The Rock June, 2019

Happy Pentecost!

From everyone at AM 1260 The Rock and St. Peter The Rock Media, we hope and pray you are enjoying the warmer temperatures, despite all the rain.

AM 1260 The Rock continues to raise awareness of the station through our weekend parish visits.  Last weekend, we visited St. Bernard in Akron, and we are scheduled to visit the following parishes in the coming weeks:

Sacred Heart, Lorain

Our Lady of Lourdes, Cleveland

St. Adalbert, Berea

St. Patrick (Bridge Avenue)

St. Justin Martyr, Eastlake

St. Mary, Avon

St. Clarence, North Olmsted

If we have not visited your parish, please feel contact your pastor about scheduling a weekend where we can have an information table and possibly make a brief announcement at the end of all the Masses.  For someone in your parish, Catholic radio can play an integral role in deepening their faith.

In addition to parish visits, we are busy with live remote broadcasts of important local events including the ordination Mass of 7 new priests for our diocese, the Global Rosary Relay for Priests on June 28th, and the 50th Anniversary Mass for the Byzantine Eparchy of Parma.  You also will see us at the Charismatic Conference in July, and at The FEST in August.

We are now posting the audio for our locally-produced programming on our website under Audio Archive.  If you missed the last episode of Table Talk, or want to hear the homily from the Ordination Mass, you’ll now be able to listen at your leisure.


While many of you will enjoy family vacations, remember The Rock continues to provide faithful Catholic programming throughout the year.  Please consider a gift to sustain us during these summer months by clicking on ‘support the Rock.’  Please also consider naming St. Peter The Rock Media in your will or estate plan.  More information is available at

As we look toward our 5th anniversary year in 2020, we are grateful and humbled for all God continues to do through the generosity of our donors, volunteers, board and staff.  This lay apostolate is truly a labor of love; for God, for His Church, and for the Gospel.

May God bless you and your families with safe travels, great family memories, and a deeper love for Jesus Christ.